Saturday, January 16, 2010

The day before we lose the ship....

Saturday 16th January.

That title sounds a little dire but what I mean is this: today and for the last few days since we embarked, Faculty, family members, Staff and all the cabin and dining room stewards have 'owned' this ship...under the Captain and crew of course. We have had space and relative quiet: the corridors and outside decks are virtually empty as we stroll and we can actually hear ourselves think in the library, round the swimming pool (no not filled yet but the surrounding deck is empty) and in the Spa.

As soon as the temperatures go up as we sail eventually into warmer waters the upper decks will be covered with bodies oiled and tanning in the sun so that one fears tripping, falling and killing someone by one's sheer dead weight! As you tip toe through nervously nobody moves, nobody rolls out of your path...forget ownership of any part of the ship. Fit yourself in where you can, physically and in every other way. Our cabin became our refuge on many occasions....oh and the faculty/staff lounge which is now just a few steps away from our cabin. For Profs it is the only place where they can be safe from the questions and demands of their students. This is a living-learning experience for all of us and it takes some adjustment to get used to it.

Ultimately living-learning becomes the norm: eating meals with students and other faculty and Life long learners, only having a few square feet of space to call ones own and for George being on call and available at least 12 hours a day. I learned on our last voyage to create a life for myself with close friends and classmates occasionally enjoying my husband's company privately in our cabin. Hey who says I'm not is one quality I have truly earned over the years of my life! As has George.

I was asked by Tina, a new aquaintance, whether I would be interested in a play reading of Copenhagen? Would I?! Imagine this particular play and no lines to could I refuse? How could George? Quite lifted me spirits it did!

Had my first pedicure of the voyage tonight.....ah bliss! Done by a delightful young South African woman from near Hermanus. I told her of the recent shark attack at Fish Hoek which she hadn't heard about. A Zimbabwean man, a tourist, swimming not too far out was attacked by an enormous shark (they are calling it a "dinosaur" shark) and no remains have been found. The beach was closed but has just opened with bathers being warned only to go waist deep. Scary stuff.

Back to my feet! I suddenly noticed the time as Cosika was about to paint my nails a lovely deep red (George groans) and knew that we would miss supper if i didn't leave immediately....George was waiting in the cabin....and this what is so great about this Spa, "Come back tomorrow afternoon to have them painted" she said "Go and get your supper now!" Would that happen in Hamilton? I don't believe so.

Tomorrow afternoon I am helping to guide students to the gangway....I think even I should manage that! In fact they won't be as brilliant as we have been led to believe if they can't see it for themselves! We have been told to SMILE...I think I'll just about manage that as well!

Tonight George and I watched the BBC version of Hay Fever on our lap top. I can honestly say that Penelope Keith was not as good as Pat Howlett in the role of Myra. And Pat, if you're reading this, your favourite scene with George lacked the chemistry of the two of you too! This was George's Christmas present to me : The Complete plays of Noel Coward as done by the BBC. We have already had many hours of enjoyment at home and it is going to entertain us in the evenings in our cabin for weeks to come.

Tonight we sat with the Administrative Assistant and her husband for dinner.. (Theresa, Nilo and Mindy, this is Luke's replacement).....what a change of style and it's all good. Diane is from Tennessee, has the most charming Southern accent and is a delight over the intercom. Also she is approachable and helpful which bodes well does it not?

It is time to write a letter to my grandson and then go to bed. George is already sound asleep. Does that sound familiar? I know it was the case on many occasions as I wrote my previous blog on the last voyage.

I miss you all: previous ship mates and all of you at home. We are still three hours behind you so you are probably all tucked up and the snow and temperatures drop outside!? Actually it is pretty cool here too, although hats are only required in the sunshine and gloves and mitts not at all!

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