Sunday, February 7, 2010

In praise of hot showers and calm seas...

Monday February 8th.... Asia Day and Lisbie's birthday, Happy Birthday Lisbie, this is going to be such an exciting year for you.

And dear Jo, your prayers have been answered so thank you for those. The seas are definitely calmer to the extent that I have just had a wonderfully hot and soothing shower....ah heaven! Was it Rupert Brooke who extolled 'the benison of hot water'? He knew whereof he spoke! (I remember being so in love with the beautiful, heroic looking RB when I was a romantic teen ager in South Africa!)

So this is just a short note of reassurance that it looks as though we may be coming into a calmer atmosphere....a few rolls and bumps but ones we can cope with. Looking out of our doors, the sea is grey and there are big rolling clouds just catching the sun and a promising slither of pale blue.

Off to breakfast, more later.


  1. Well you have certainly had your share of rough seas on this trip! Glad to hear things are calm again. Enjoying reading your accounts so much!


  2. Hopefully???? smooth sailing ahead for all. Look
    forward to your post each day. Best to George.
