Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday musings

Tuesday 22nd March

The sun is shining brightly, the sea is a white capped blue and we have a strong head wind. All around in the dining room buzz one hears the word 'Mauritius'.

Are you snorkeling? (no, not as far as I know) Is it good for swimming (a resounding yes!) do they speak English (yes some, but mostly French) What are the beaches like? (fabuluous), How is the shopping? (fabulous I hear) are you going to be near a beach? (yes!) Is it far from Port Louis? (yes 30 kms) Is it isolated? (yes from the reviews) Do they have a shuttle bus to take you places? (yes!) Are taxis expensive? (yes! 16.00 US per person to get to Pointe aux Pimentes where the Club is.) What time will you leave the ship? (Don't know for sure but hopefully about 10 am) Any complaints? (Yes the laundry have lost my green safari pants!!) Can you rise above it? (Well, I guess....!) What are you going to do now? (Sit on our deck reading my book and drinking a mug of coffee) Are you lucky or are you lucky? (I guess....!!)

Talk again on the 24th or 25th....with photos. In the meantime have a look at

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