Friday, April 30, 2010

Still blethering on...

Friday 30th April....4 days to go!

We awoke early this morning, about 4 am, both of us. Strange we thought. George got up and wandered on to the balcony, 'Come and have a look' he called and I followed him. There hanging above the ocean was a huge, bright, full moon throwing a shimmering path on to the sea. What a breathtaking sight! We stood there in a slight, warm breeze drinking it in and knowing that these sudden 'gifts' of marine nature will soon be memories. I wish we lived nearer to the sea: I think we must make more effort to visit the two Canadian coasts, BC and the Maritimes. Sea sounds are soothing and therapeutic and, to repeat myself (endlessly!) are what I shall miss most.

Erika and I made a final recording this morning of Rockaby on a more sophisticated recording system. It didn't sound too bad. Perhaps with all my sound effects: beautifully sad music and a soft singing brass bowl, we might make something of it.....with many. many apologies to Samuel Beckett. I feel a little more confident.

Lisbie has been in my thoughts these last two South Africa and Swaziland representing our Hamilton Grandmothers of Steel group for the Stephen Lewis Foundation and meeting the African Grandmothers. Kwenda msuri Lisbie rafiki yango! (Go well Lisbie my friend!!)

George has been relentlessly correcting exam papers and is beginning to look bleary eyed with fatigue. So much so that we have just realised that we missed lunch in the dining room and will have to wander along to the pool deck for a hamburger or pizza. Such hardship!

We have a final dinner with our shipboard family tonight....I have ordered an ice cream cake with Good Luck! on it. Whatever the rest of the meal is like (and we are all getting rather stale!) we know that will slide down easily. Must remember to take photos.....

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